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Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Natural Weight Loss Explained.

Natural weight loss can mean different things to different people. One dietitian has defined it as being the opposite of natural weight gain! Simply put, natural weight loss is the means of losing weight without the use of extreme diets, pills or supplements or other severe measures. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to lose weight without the use of pills, supplements and starvation diets.

Losing weight naturally is closely associated with a healthy lifestyle and sleeping properly as well as proper diet and exercise. Advocates of natural weight loss see it as a way of life and a long term lifestyle change rather than something short term. The techniques to help ensure it are not new – they have been practiced for many years.

Of course, eating healthily is one of the best ways to lose weight safely and efficiently. Try to change your meal routine by eating five or six small meals in a day instead of the normal three. Eating this way will maintain metabolism throughout the day and ensure better absorption of nutrients.

Try to eat natural foods rather than processed foods which contain additives and excess sodium. The liver burns most of the body's fat and foods laden with additives are bad for the liver. Vegetables and fruit, seeds and grain are all recommended as part of a natural diet. Try to limit your intake of foods
And it's a particularly difficult habit to break, but try drinking water instead of soda or coffee. Increased water intake will actually help you look and feel better over a period of time, as well as contribute towards long term weight loss.

Exercise is important - basic cardiovascular exercise such as walking can contribute to natural weight loss without the need for extreme workouts. For more effective and long term natural weight loss, jogging, cycling or lifting weights are all highly effective methods of cardio exercise.

Sleep is particularly important when it comes to losing weight naturally. Recent studies in Japan indicate that people who regularly get an extra two hours sleep every night tend to experience a proven weight loss over a period of just a few weeks.

Of course, most of us regularly don't get enough sleep and shortage of sleep produces hormones that increase the appetite. Studies have shown that loss of sleep can increase the body's storage of fat and affect the secretion of hormones that help regulate food cravings. Extra sleep results in a balance of hormones – meaning you basically feel less hungry.

Natural weight loss seems to have been overlooked amidst all the extreme diets, fads and celebrity-endorsed products that are readily available today. A combination of a healthy lifestyle, healthy diet and basic exercise will all lead to the results most of us desire – lower weight over an extended period of time.

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