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Minggu, 06 November 2011

SULAMI (Susut Alami)

SULAMI (Susut Alami)

  • menurunkan berat badan yang berlebihan/over weight secara alami tanpa efek samping
  • menjaga berat badan tanpa merasa lapar dan lemas
  • menahan nafsu makan
  • merubah lemak menjadi energi/karbohidrat
Jati belanda 100mg
meniran 50mg
kunyit 50mg
Delima putih 100mg
Temulawak 100mg
Jeruk nipis 50mg

Aturan minum :
  • menurunkan berat badan yang berlebihan 2kps/hari diminum 1jam sebelum makan
  • menjaga berat badan 1kps/hari diminum 1jam sebelum makan
  • Banyak-banyak minum air putih dan berolahraga secara teratur, disertai dengan diet rendah kalor.
  • Tidak untuk penyakit hypertensi/darah tinggi, wanita hamil dan menyusui

Isi 12 strip @2kapsul 450mg
Herbalindo SM-Indonesia
POM TR. 073 372 961
Harga : Rp.40.000,-
Berat Produk : 100 gram
Kode : 901458

Kode : 901289

1. Melangsingkan tubuh
2. Mengecilkan perut
3. Menghancurkan lemak dalam tubuh
4. Menurunkan Kolesterol
5. Melancarkan buang air besar
6. Menghaluskan kulit

Kode : 901288

1. Melangsingkan tubuh
2. Mengecilkan perut
3. Menghancurkan lemak dalam tubuh
4. Menurunkan Kolesterol
5. Melancarkan buang air besar
6. Menghaluskan kulit

Kode : 901287

Melangsingkan tubuh, mengurangi kolesterol, mengobati rematik, mengecilkan perut, peluntur lemak dalam tubuh bagi penderita obesitas.
KAPSUL SLIM FIT (Sehat dan Langsing Alami) KAPSUL SLIM FIT (Sehat dan Langsing Alami)
Kode : 901139

- Membantu melangsingkan tubuh
- Membantu mencerahkan kulit

POM TR No : 093305861
Ekstrak Herbal untuk pelangsing "SINGSET SLIM" Ekstrak Herbal untuk pelangsing "SINGSET SLIM"
Kode : 901105

Kapsul Herbal Singset Slim, mungkin bisa jadi solusi bagi Anda. Diracik dari ekstrak daun jati belanda, kunci pepet dan daun kemuning. Membantu Anda mengatasi problem kegemukan, membantu menurunkan berat badan sekaligus mengatasi penyakit kolesterol.
Ekstrak  "SINGSET SLIM" (kemasan kecil) Ekstrak "SINGSET SLIM" (kemasan kecil)
Kode : 901104

Kapsul Herbal Singset Slim, mungkin bisa jadi solusi bagi Anda. Diracik dari ekstrak daun jati belanda, kunci pepet dan daun kemuning. Membantu Anda mengatasi problem kegemukan, membantu menurunkan berat badan sekaligus mengatasi penyakit kolesterol.
Kode : 900675

Melangsingkan tubuh, mengurangi kolesterol, mengecilkan perut, peluntur lemak dalam tubuh bagi penderita Obesitas berkhasiat sebagai starter metabolisme, sehingga membantu proses sekresi/ pembuangan kotoran.
AMAN — tanpa khawatir buang air besar non-stop
dikarenakan Jati cina juga memiliki fungsi ANTI- DIARE
Kode : 900615

Perlu di ketahui kegemukan adakah keadaan dimana terjadi penumpukan lemak tubuh yang berlebih sehingga berat badan seseorang jauh diatas normal.
Kode : 273812


Berkhasiat untuk melangsingkan dan menyehatkan badan.

Kode : 456788

melangsingkan dan menguruskan badan serta melarutkan lemak.
Kode : 214435

Perpaduan JATI BELANDA, Delima Putih, Meniran, Jeruk Nipis.
- Menurunkan berat badan yang berlebihan secara alami tanpa efek samping
- Menahan nafsu makan / rasa lapar
- Merubah lemak menjadi energi
- Membuat tubuh menjadi ramping, sintal dan sehat

Dengan Body Cleansing & Toxic Release:
Membuang toksin / racun-racun yang selama ini tertimbun dalam tubuh. Sehingga memperbaiki metabolisme dan kesehatan tubuh secara menyeluruh.

Slimming & Excess Fat Elimination:
Menghancurkan dan menghilangkan lemak dalam tubuh. Sehingga efektif mengurangi berat badan tanpa mengganggu kesehatan.
Kode : 864356

- Membersihkan lemak dan racun-racun dalam lambung dan usus
- Mengurangi gelambir pada perut (cocok untuk ibu-ibu sehabis melahirkan)
- Turun 1 - 3 kg dalam seminggu, dengan berolahraga lebih baik
- Tidak berbahaya bagi jantung
- Bisa dikonsumsi laki-laki terutama laki-laki yang sudah menikah pada umumnya perutnya buncit-buncit
- 100% herbal alami
- Efek positif : menurunkan kolesterol dan asam urat

Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

Protein And It's Amazing Weight Loss Power!

According to the latest statistics, the obesity epidemic continues to grow worldwide and shows no signs of stopping anytime soon. An astonishing 59.6% of Australian and New Zealand adults are overweight or obese, while 30% of Australian and New Zealand children are clinically overweight. More than half of the American population is overweight.

Those who have adequate amounts of protein in their diet, however, may find they've escaped being part of this alarming trend. That's because the latest nutritional research indicates that protein has numerous dietary benefits that give a boost to weight loss and weight management efforts. Lets look at some of the ways you can benefit from a healthy daily protein intake.

One of the principle advantages of protein is that it creates a feeling of fullness and satisfaction in the body that makes overeating much less likely. Besides being filling, protein is a smart addition to any weight loss or weight management programme because of the effect it has on carbohydrate cravings.

As nutritional research has documented, carbohydrates trigger the brain to crave more carbohydrates, leading to a cycle of carbohydrate eating that becomes hard to control. Protein can block that triggering effect in the brain. If you eat protein with a carbohydrate it will reduce the cravings caused by eating the carbohydrate.

Simply adding protein to a meal (including breakfast), provides you with an incredible advantage in your quest to lose or maintain weight. But protein provides more than just weight benefits - it provides you with an important necessity as well. Adequate daily protein intake is essential for building and maintaining lean muscle mass It may sound like a term that applies only to athletes, but in fact, everyone has a certain percentage of lean muscle mass in their body. The higher your percentage of lean muscle mass, the more calories you can burn in a day.

Besides determining how many calories you burn each day, lean muscle mass also serves a vital function for those trying to lose or maintain their weight. If your diet does not contain enough protein to build or maintain lean muscle mass, your body will begin to lose weight from the heart, muscle and organs.

This type of dieting is unsafe and can prove fatal. So, how much protein do you need every day? Women need approximately 80-100 grams daily, while men need roughly 120-150 grams.

But as you incorporate protein into your diet, remember that not all protein is equal when it comes to calories. For example, a serving of prime rib has 1,500 calories! That's why it is important to source your protein from healthy, lean protein sources such as fish, the white meat of chicken and turkey and very lean sources of beef. If you can see the fat...cut it off before you cook it, and don't eat it.

Strategic Weight Loss

One of the first things that you'll do when you decide to lose weight is to set a goal weight. For most, that goal will be their 'ideal weight', but for many, that 'ideal weight' may be exactly the wrong weight for them to be aiming for.

Years of dieting or being overweight have the physiological effect of moving the body's concept of the 'ideal weight' from what is truly considered ideal. The 'set point' is the weight at which your body naturally feels most comfortable. If you've been overweight for a very long time, or if you've consistently 'yo-yoed', your body may respond to your initial weight loss by lowering its metabolism because it believes that you are starving to death. This slowing leads to discouraging plateaus that often knock people off their diets entirely, and lead to regaining all or part of the lost weight.

Instead of aiming for an 'ideal weight' that calls for you to lose weight steadily for months or even years, many experts recommend aiming for shorter-term attainable goals. Since the bulk of diet research shows that most dieters lose weight steadily for about 12 weeks, then hit a plateau, that's the number that they suggest you aim for. The strategy that many have found works best for them is one of alternating periods of weight loss and maintenance, each lasting 8-12 weeks.

Choose a realistic amount of weight that you can lose in 8-12 weeks. Figuring that the most reasonable and healthiest weight loss rate is 1-2 pounds per week, 30 pounds in three months is not unreasonable. Diet until you reach that goal, or for 12 weeks, whichever comes first, and then switch to a maintenance diet.

Why switch to a maintenance diet at that point? In part, you're giving yourself a 'breather', a break from more restrictive eating. The other part, though, is that you're re-educating your body and letting it establish a new 'set point'. Once you've maintained your new weight for 8-12 weeks, set another weight loss goal, and move back into weight loss mode. By giving your body a break from 'starvation', you'll have overcome its resistance to losing more weight, and be back to dieting for 'the first two weeks' - the weeks that most people lose weight more rapidly.

You'll also be giving yourself a chance to 'practice' maintaining your new, healthier weight. Researchers have found that more than half of the dieters who take off significant amounts of weight do not maintain that weight loss once they go 'off' their diet. By practicing weight maintenance in stages, you'll be proving to yourself that you CAN do it, and removing a powerful negative psychological block.

This will work with any long-term weight loss diet, no matter the focus. You'll find it much easier to do if you choose a diet that has concrete 'phases', like the South Beach or the Atkins, since the weight loss and maintenance phases are clearly laid out for you to follow. Regardless of the diet you choose, though, by alternating between weight loss phases and maintenance phases, you'll teach yourself and your body how to maintain a healthy weight.

How I Lost 51 Pounds In 4 Months Using The Simplest Diet Plan In The World

Like many people I've been on dozens of diet plans over the years ranging from Atkins to South Beach to Weightwatchers to Jenny Craig and lots more besides. In fact, I've eaten enough cabbage soup to satisfy a small country! I'm 5 feet 10 and I used to weigh 230 pounds and needed to lose a good 50 pounds to get myself in some short of shape. And then it hit me. It's seems so logical now and so simple but I had ignored the simplest weight loss solution of all. Here's how I discovered it.

I was over in the UK on vacation and saying with an Aunt. We were having tea together and my Aunt was watching her favourite daytime TV show called "Today with Des and Mel." The host, a rather charming guy called Des O'Connor was being asked how he stayed so trim and slim and indeed virile at aged 70 (he had just once again become a father) and he gave me the simplest weight loss solution I have ever heard. In fact you'd be seriously challenged to find a fitter and more vibrant looking 70 year old anywhere on the planet.

Des's answer was that he only eats one meal per day in the evening, and in fact eats as much as he wants at that one meal sitting. During the day he may well graze on a bit of fruit and naturally drinks plenty of fluids but he swears by the plan and has done for over 40 years.

This seemed so simple and ridiculously easy and I was very doubtful whether it would work for me. However, it's based on pure logic. By missing out on significant calories during the day, the body makes up for it in the evening and then stores up calories to keep you going the next day until your evening meal. However, I'm no scientist or doctor and I'm only interested in results. Here's how it worked for me.

Week One was a little challenging. I did nibble on the odd cookie to keep me going with my morning black coffee. I missed the social aspect of lunch but contented myself with knowing that I was doing my health and body a huge favor. In week one I lost 6 pounds and in the first month 15 pounds dropped off my body! However, having been on many diet programs over the years I was worried it could all come back.With this in mind I started a gentle walking program in the evenings after my meal of the day and this really helped me with my energy levels. I really didn't want to visit a gym or stress myself by running.<
I was eating everything I wanted in the evenings, including ice cream and lots of ribs and fries etc. However, after the first month my body seemed to start regulating itself and I didn't seem to crave these heavy rich foods as much. I think my body started to learn that it needed to eat well and wholesome in the evenings so it could get through the next 24 hours.

In month two I dropped another 13 pounds. In month three I lost a further 12 pounds and in month four another 11 pounds making for a total weight loss of 51 pounds in FOUR months. Truly amazing. I'm still staggered by it. I don't recommend this plan for life and have slowly reintroduced a healthy breakfast and a very light lunch. It's a truly great plan for losing excess weight quickly though - and works like nothing I've ever tried before.

One year on and I'm still at my target weight of 180 pounds. I still do my walking exercise most evenings and feel 1000% better with loads more energy. I've recommended this plan to dozens of friends and I have to say it's worked for 90% of them. Give it a shot, the odds are that it'll work great for you too! Check with your doctor first though to be safe.

Natural Weight Loss Explained.

Natural weight loss can mean different things to different people. One dietitian has defined it as being the opposite of natural weight gain! Simply put, natural weight loss is the means of losing weight without the use of extreme diets, pills or supplements or other severe measures. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible to lose weight without the use of pills, supplements and starvation diets.

Losing weight naturally is closely associated with a healthy lifestyle and sleeping properly as well as proper diet and exercise. Advocates of natural weight loss see it as a way of life and a long term lifestyle change rather than something short term. The techniques to help ensure it are not new – they have been practiced for many years.

Of course, eating healthily is one of the best ways to lose weight safely and efficiently. Try to change your meal routine by eating five or six small meals in a day instead of the normal three. Eating this way will maintain metabolism throughout the day and ensure better absorption of nutrients.

Try to eat natural foods rather than processed foods which contain additives and excess sodium. The liver burns most of the body's fat and foods laden with additives are bad for the liver. Vegetables and fruit, seeds and grain are all recommended as part of a natural diet. Try to limit your intake of foods
And it's a particularly difficult habit to break, but try drinking water instead of soda or coffee. Increased water intake will actually help you look and feel better over a period of time, as well as contribute towards long term weight loss.

Exercise is important - basic cardiovascular exercise such as walking can contribute to natural weight loss without the need for extreme workouts. For more effective and long term natural weight loss, jogging, cycling or lifting weights are all highly effective methods of cardio exercise.

Sleep is particularly important when it comes to losing weight naturally. Recent studies in Japan indicate that people who regularly get an extra two hours sleep every night tend to experience a proven weight loss over a period of just a few weeks.

Of course, most of us regularly don't get enough sleep and shortage of sleep produces hormones that increase the appetite. Studies have shown that loss of sleep can increase the body's storage of fat and affect the secretion of hormones that help regulate food cravings. Extra sleep results in a balance of hormones – meaning you basically feel less hungry.

Natural weight loss seems to have been overlooked amidst all the extreme diets, fads and celebrity-endorsed products that are readily available today. A combination of a healthy lifestyle, healthy diet and basic exercise will all lead to the results most of us desire – lower weight over an extended period of time.

How To Reduce Weight Fast And Lose Fat Forever Fast Weight Reduction Tip

So you have tried dieting to reduce weight. You have also popped all kinds of weight reduction pills you can get your hands on. To your delight your effort seemed to work as you begin to lose body fat steadily. Then one day, before you reach your desired weight, you begin to notice that your weight seemed to stay the same even though you are still on the diet and popping those pills. To your horror, you discover that the weight you had lost is beginning to pile up once again. Instead of reducing weight, you are now gaining weight. Sounds familiar?

What happened? Simply put, slimming pills and fad diets are only short term strategy to reduce weight and keeping body fat at bay. To reduce weight and lose fat forever, your caloric expenditure must surpass your caloric consumption. Aren't you doing that in your diet? Yes you are. But when you are on a diet, you go hungry and your body will signal to your brain to conserve fat for energy because your body is built with a mechanism to conserve fat during famine and it will not know whether it is famine season or that you are on a diet. In this instance, your body will consume your muscle for energy instead of your body fat and this spells trouble because your muscle is a great calorie gobbler. So with less muscle, your fat burning capability grinds to a screeching halt.

What about those weight reducing pills you are taking? If you are popping appetite control pills, your body will react like you are on a diet, so the same thing happened. What about pills that help to increase metabolism or reducing starch intake? Sure, they will help to burn a few calories or restrict some calories from turning into body fat, but are enough calories burnt or restricted to reduce weight permanently or are you going to take those unhealthy weight reduction pills forever? Obviously not, isn't it?

So to reduce weight and lose fat forever, we need to do 3 things.

• Cardio exercises – Do cardio exercises at 65-85% of your maximum heart rate to burn tons of calories

• Lift weight – Train with weights to grow muscle or at least prevent muscle loss. The more muscle you have, the higher will be your natural fat burning capability. You will burn fat even when sleeping. In other words, you lose fat permanently.

• Eat small frequent meals – This will signal to your brain that food is in abundance and that your body need not conserve fat in case of famine. So eat 5- 6 meals at 3 hourly intervals. However, do make sure that your meals are small and that your caloric intake do not surpass your caloric expenditure.

When you incorporate these 3 elements into your lifestyle, you will not only reduce weight and lose body fat, you will also keep the weight from creeping back. That means, you will reduce weight and able to maintain your ideal weight forever. 

Eight Habits Of Successful Dieters

There are many ways to lose weight, but you do have to be careful of the food you eat, the amount of exercise you do and the amount of food that you eat. There are many foods that are filling and yet do not contain any calories that may hamper your efforts to shed the extra pounds. Most diets involve using eight habits that teach you how to eat healthy, lose weight and keep it off.

1. Use tools to help you measure out the right servings of food. These include scales, ladles, measuring spoons and measuring cups. This will help you recognize what constitutes a portion. Some dieters find that when they divide their plate into four equal sections it helps them get the right servings of the food groups at each meal.

2. Fruits and vegetables are foods that you can eat in limitless amounts. These are great for snacks when you feel the craving for something sweet. You should make fruits and vegetables the main focus of your meals. Even when you can't get fruits and vegetables in season, the frozen vegetables will give you the nourishment that you need.

3. All diets should include at least 2 servings of milk each day. If you happen to be lactose intolerant, there are dairy products available that are lactose free. Making sure you get the right servings of milk will make sure your body has the proper amount of calcium to keep your bones healthy and strong.

4. Grains form the basis of healthy eating. Whole grains are best and you can check the labels when you go grocery shopping. The following ingredients are the ones you should look for:

* Brown rice
* Bulgar
* Cracked wheat
* Graham flour
* Oatmeal
* Whole barley
* Cornmeal
* Whole rye
* Whole oats

5. Protein will give you the energy you need to burn up the calories. It is the muscle food that you need and will give you the energy you need to keep exercising.

6. You need to limit the amounts of fats and sugars that you have in your diet in order to lose weight healthy. Alcohol is also something you need to restrict when you are trying to lose weight. One drink a day is the recommended allotment for a woman and no more than two for a man.

7. Take a vitamin supplement.

8. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.